Saturday 8 January 2022


The common bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera) is a species of medium-sized, heavily built pigeon. Native to Australia and one of the country's most common pigeons, the common bronzewing is able to live in almost any habitat, with the possible exception of very barren areas and dense rainforests.
Males of the species have pale-yellow to yellow-white foreheads, and pink breasts. Both males and females have an easily discernible white line around and proximate to their eyes. Common bronzewings also have patches of red, blue and green on their wings, a feature which is characteristic of all bronzewing pigeons. Young birds are usually duller in colour and browner than the mature common bronzewing.

This post is part of the Saturday Critters meme


  1. Hello,
    What a pretty pigeon, their colors are beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.
